Tuesday, February 19, 2008

John King, Getting Busy on the Wall

John King, breaking it down on CNN's sixty-billion dollar election wall.

Note: CNN has granted King the right to roundhouse kick anyone who comes
within ten feet of the device, Wolf Blitzer beware.

Wisconsin Primary Results in: Cheeseheads for Change

Dear Clinton Camp:

Plagiarism- the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Speeches not Solutions

Am I the only person who is sick of Hillary Clinton's 'speeches not solutions' attack.

I've been highly disappointed with the way Clinton's campaign has been run.

I DON'T want to hear someone who could possibly be running my country attacking someone at such a petty level. It's just not right. Why can't she just go out, state her positions, and make her speech in a civil manner. Leave the attacks out all together.

What's more disappointing than Clinton's attacks, is the fact that the American people respond to this garbage. The typical Clinton supporter seems to pride themselves on being a harsh critic, a discerning individual. Nothing gets by the Clinton supporter. They've been through the ringer and they know better than to believe someone who makes hefty promises. Gullible? No!

Not a Clinton supporter.

Meanwhile, they know absolutely nothing about Clinton's so-called solutions.

I've got news for everyone. Even if she did have reasonable plans for the country, she wouldn't be able to see them to fruition.

Republicans don't like Hillary Clinton, plain and simple. She's a partisan. She's too entrenched in the Washington bog.


To be successful and effective as president, people have to like you. Republicans and Democrats alike.

That's the solution.

People have to want to work with you.

Republicans see Clinton and they want to make her look bad.

Why? Partly because she's participated in this type of behavior.

She's a mudslinger.

See were I'm going with this?

Barack Obama's campaign is different.

He's managed to stay above the fray.

He has character.

And that's what I'm looking for in a president.